I went proselyting in a neighborhood with water up to your ankles It was really dirty water so I made sure I washed my feet good that night.
I had Balut not all of it just the yellow part. (Balut is cooked duckling egg that contains the embryo.
All the kids call me Joe, handsome, American.
None of the bathrooms here have toilet paper so I just buy my own.
It rained so hard that we couldn't go proselyting. I met my Ward at the Christmas party. And all the Filipinos here love the color blue, basketball, sugar and video karaoke.
My apartment doesn't have a dishwasher, washing machine, Air conditioning or hot water so we have to take cold showers we also have to hang our clothing up because we don't have a dryer either. And we have to buy our own food.
My new companion Is Elder Webster from Washington he has being out in the field for 3 months so he Is my trainer.
I can only cook ramen and hot dogs but I'm learning to cook other stuff too. I had a Casava cake for the first time Its really hard to explain its like a mixture of coconut flakes with a really gooey texture like almond joy mixed with flan mixed with pineapple upside down cake its really good though.
Today I am going to try to extend the baptismal invitation to one of our investigators hopefully he will say yes